Yes I'm afraid.
For it has been a while... It's been a while since I've written a blog entry.
However t'will be short and sweet, merely some dates to see yours truly perform sleight-of-hand magic:
- Friday 12th June, at Dice Festival in Haggerston, London
Details here: http://dicefestival.wix.com/dicefestival#!blank/cwlm
- Monday 15th June, at Pages of Hackney, London (BOOKED OUT)
- (tbc) Thursday 9th July, Steakhouse Live at Arts Admin, Toynbee Studios, London
Details here http://www.steakhouselive.com/
- (tbc) Thursday 16th July, Steakhouse Live at Latitude Festival
Details here http://www.latitudefestival.com/
- And finally the big one, 7 days in a row that I'm truly looking forward to:
17-23 August, at Forest Fringe, Edinburgh
Early details here: http://www.forestfringe.co.uk/2015/04/here-we-go-again/
Might be good to end on a photo
(looks like a pre-kid's show. It isn't. Taken by Sylvia Saunders at a farewell house party in Falmer)